Fuente: Dayli Infographic / http://dailyinfographic.com/who-are-entrepreneurs-infographic
Infografía - ¿Quiénes son los Emprendedores?
Consejo Empresarial Voluntario
martes, 7 de diciembre de 2010
Para Emprendedores
Consejo Empresarial Voluntario
Consejo Empresarial Voluntario,
jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010
A ti Emprendedor con ganas de progresar, dispuesto a trabajar en equipo y recibir consultoría por parte de uno de nuestros Empresarios Consejeros; te invitamos a esta Primera Convocatoria 2010 por parte del Consejo Empresarial Voluntario Nuevo León, donde tú puedes ser parte de este proyecto de crecimiento y bienestar que buscamos en el país.
Como primer paso, es completar la Encuesta del Emprendedor que esta anexo al correo; te agradeceremos que nos envíes el formato a la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico cevnl.mx@gmail.com
Para más información descarga los siguientes documentos.
Five Critical Skills That Entrepreneurs Need by Jerry Kaplan
Consejo Empresarial Voluntario
Convocatoria 2010,
Jerry Kaplan
martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010
Jerry Kaplan, CEO de Winster.com y conocido en la industria de la computación como “emprendedor en serie”, ejecutivo, innovador técnico y autor.
Make Meaning in your Company by Guy Kawasaki
Consejo Empresarial Voluntario
Consejo Empresarial Voluntario,
lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010
Guy Kawasaki es uno de los mayores especialistas mundiales en el ámbito de las nuevas tecnologías y el marketing. En esta última actividad fue responsable de Macintosh a mediados de los ochenta, con el éxito espectacular con que este trabajo fue reconocido por el mercado. Trasladó así el concepto de “evangelizar” a los negocios tecnológicos, con la idea de atraer y focalizar a usuarios vinculados al mercado Apple. En unos años más que difíciles para la empresa fundada por Steve Jobs, su trabajo fue tremendamente valioso e internacionalmente reconocido. En la actualidad dirige una de las empresas de capital riesgo más importante de Estados Unidos, Garage Technology Ventures.
ecorner, http://ecorner.stanford.edu
Wikipedia http://www.wikipedia.org/
Derek Sivers: Keep your goals to yourself
Consejo Empresarial Voluntario
Derek Sivers,
lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010
Después de embarcarnos en un proyecto de vida nuevo y brillante, nuestra primera reacción es contárselo a alguien, pero Derek Sivers dice que es mejor mantener las metas en secreto. Presenta la investigación que se extiende hasta la década de 1920 para mostrar por qué las personas que hablan de sus ambiciones personales pueden tener menos probabilidad de lograrlas.
Más sobre Derek Sivers
Consejo Empresarial Voluntario
Consejo Empresarial Voluntario,
Convocatoria 2010,
Nuevo León
martes, 12 de octubre de 2010
A ti Emprendedor con ganas de progresar, dispuesto a trabajar en equipo y recibir consultoría por parte de uno de nuestros Empresarios Consejeros; te invitamos a esta Primera Convocatoria 2010 por parte del Consejo Empresarial Voluntario Nuevo León, donde tú puedes ser parte de este proyecto de crecimiento y bienestar que buscamos en el país.
Como primer paso, es completar la Encuesta del Emprendedor que esta anexo al correo; te agradeceremos que nos envíes el formato a la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico cevnl.mx@gmail.com
Para más información descarga los siguientes documentos.
Getting People to Care About Your Business by M.P. Mueller
Consejo Empresarial Voluntario
Consejo Empresarial Voluntario,
miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010
The enduring brands we welcome into our lives deliver two things: solutions and good feelings. In fact, we will pay more for products and services that have the ability to make us feel good about engaging with them.
Creating a movement around good feelings is a great way to differentiate your business and have consumers championing your brand. In his bestseller, “Tribes,” Seth Godin, a brand himself, talks about how marketing is the act of telling stories about the things we make — stories that sell and stories that spread. He also says it takes two things to turn a group of people into a tribe: shared interest and a way to communicate. Caring is a key emotion at the center of a tribe.
Creating a movement around good feelings is a great way to differentiate your business and have consumers championing your brand. In his bestseller, “Tribes,” Seth Godin, a brand himself, talks about how marketing is the act of telling stories about the things we make — stories that sell and stories that spread. He also says it takes two things to turn a group of people into a tribe: shared interest and a way to communicate. Caring is a key emotion at the center of a tribe.
So how can small businesses create movements and tell those stories that pull their tribes around the campfire? Through my network of colleagues who get more than a little giddy about companies who do this well, I recently learned about Sweetgreen salad and frozen yogurt restaurants in the Washington, D.C., area. Sweetgreen was started in 2007 by three Georgetown business majors who created the company as a solution to a problem. They couldn’t find places to eat around campus that were easy, healthy and fast. So they created one.
Co-founder Nate Ru, 26, told me they really wanted to push the brand boundaries of how they marketed themselves from the beginning. “Our brand is so important to our business — we think about ourselves not only as a restaurant but as a lifestyle, the Sweetlife. We focus on two different aspects of marketing: digital, which is everything online including social media, and experiential — our stores, the community, our annual music festival. Where the two meet is the Sweetlife, a cool lifestyle brand that’s a halo around our restaurant and a competitive advantage.” The staff of 10 corporate and 250 hourly employees run six stores — with plans for more.
To keep their brand aligned, Sweetgreen likes to hire people who don’t necessarily have experience but are super passionate. One of those employees came up with what the company calls “Random Acts of Sweetness.” Sweetgreen’s street team randomly hands out gift cards to recognize other people doing good in the community. When it rains, they’ll sometimes put a shower cap over bike seats with a gift certificate tucked underneath. They’ve been known to slip gift cards on car window shields alongside a city-issued ticket — to offset the downer of returning to a parking violation. They handpick the music in their restaurants and their annual Sweetlife Music Festival brings together bands they love and consumers who love them for a brand meet-up that’s as sweet as it gets. Business has grown 300 percent year-over-year since the inception with revenues now reaching $10 to $15 million, and Sweetgreen plans to expand into Philadelphia in 2011.
Atayne, of Brunswick, Me., sells performance apparel from recycled materials; it also sells a story. The company’s founder, Jeremy Litchfield, was running in a race on a hot, humid morning in 2007 and had donned a new red performance shirt. At the finish line he noticed the lower half of his body was stained by red dye. Mr. Litchfield thought, here I am doing something healthy — but what is seeping into my body? Solution? He decided to create a company that sells safe, high-quality performance gear — along with the feeling that people can create positive social and environmental change through their active lifestyles.
Sales for Atayne, mostly online with a few retail outlets in the Northeast, have doubled every two years. “Everything we do for marketing is around telling our story,” said Mr. Litchfield. “It’s more about promoting the lifestyle as opposed to pushing products. And that resonates with our clients. They are very loyal. We don’t manufacture in China. We are priced anywhere from 10 percent to 15 percent higher than Nike and Under Armour. What really draws people in is our values and our stories. Then they fall in love with our product.”
The company’s strongest sales driver is word of mouth. “Over half of our Web traffic is direct, which means people are hearing about us through a friend or reading about us,” said Mr. Litchfield. The company builds online community and sales via its blog and its Twitter and Facebook accounts. It also takes community-building offline. The company has a program called Atayne at Play. Customers can take pictures of themselves wearing Atayne apparel send them to Atayne, which gives them a $10 gift certificate toward their next purchase. Atayne has also launched an initiative called Trash Running. It organizes groups of people — wearing Atayne gear, of course — to run race courses after everyone else has finished and collect discarded cups and bottles in a baby-jogger retrofitted with a trash can.
What can you do to create a tribe around your business? Here are some starters:
1) Put as much emphasis on culture and brand story and the feel-good aspect of what you do as you put on what you sell.
2) Brand from the inside out.
3) Give your loyalists ways to interact with your brand and each other, offline and on.
4) Hire people who get your culture and can help take it to the next level.
5) Show (don’t tell) your tribe that you care and reinforce why they are gathered around your brand’s campfire by sharing new stories.
Any other logs to throw on that fire? Do you know of other examples of small companies that know how to do this?
M.P. Mueller is a resident blogger for The New York Times. Her blog, “Branded” is part of their “You’re the Boss: The Art of Running a Small Business” series. Founder of Door Number 3, a boutique advertising agency in Austin.
The New York Times
The New York Times
Primeros Emprendedores, CEV Nuevo León
Consejo Empresarial Voluntario
Consejo Empresarial Voluntario,
Convocatoria 2010,
miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010
El Consejo Empresarial Voluntario, Nuevo León ha empezado con la Asignación de Consejeros Empresarios, para los Emprendedores que se han integrado a nuestro Programa 2010. A continuación se presenta una breve descripción, de nuestros primeros 4 Emprendedores.
Detecno, inició operaciones en el 2008. Actualmente se dedica al desarrollo de sistemas para facturación electrónica, de repositorios electrónicos para el manejo de documentos electrónicos, generador de documentos electrónicos y servicio de digitalización. (http://detecno.com)

E-Sourcing, se dedica a proveer servicios de consultoría y herramientas especializadas, en el desarrollo de soluciones estratégicas de compras, que permiten a los clientes realizar sus procesos de licitaciones, concursos ON-LINE; iniciaron operaciones en el 2007. (http://e-sourcing.mx)

E-Software, empezó operaciones en el 2002, ofrece consultoría en SAP, desarrollos a la medida, comercialización de paquetes, productos propios, outsourcing, entre otros. El desarrollo de sus productos y servicios están conforme a las normas MoProSoft y CMMI. (http://e-software.com.mx)

Popapre, se especializa en maquinados CNC. Cuenta con sistemas modernos de manufactura, como Lean Manufacturing, 5 S, Kaizen, SMED, ISO, etc; se fundó en el 2002. (http://popapre.com.mx)
Derek Sivers: How to start a movement
Consejo Empresarial Voluntario
Consejo Empresarial Voluntario,
Derek Sivers,
How to star ...,
martes, 31 de agosto de 2010
Con la ayuda de algunas imágenes sorprendentes, Derek Sivers, explica como empiezan realmente los movimientos. (Pista: se necesitan dos).
Más sobre Derek Sivers
How to Start an Entrepreneurial Revolution in Six Months by Daniel Isenberg
Consejo Empresarial Voluntario
Consejo Empresarial Voluntario,
Daniel Isenberg,
How to Start an Entrepreneurial Revolution,
lunes, 23 de agosto de 2010
Daniel Isenberg is the Professor of Management Practice at Babson College, Founder and Executive Director of the Babson Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Project, and author of the Harvard Business Review article, "How to Start an Entrepreneurial Revolution ".(by http://www.huffingtonpost.com/)
How to Start an Entrepreneurial Revolution in Six Months
1. Revolutions start local. Start with quick wins that make sense in that specific location. You don't have years to wait for measurable results before scaling up, just know you are on the right track.
2. Revolutions need participants. The "shot heard round the world" will be a town-meeting-style, entrepreneurship stakeholder workshop to create excitement and commitment, and to learn.
3. Revolutions require resources. In parallel, connect the community's entrepreneurial support resources.
4. Revolutions need revolutionaries. They may be under the radar, languishing in non-entrepreneurial positions, or channeling their entrepreneurial spirit in non-productive ways, but they are present. Find and enlist them. Use your positions of power to help them find new customers, investors, advisors, and business partners.
5. Revolutions need a call to action. Ask people with the hunger to create to come forward with their ideas and then "flood the zone".
6. Revolutions need an inner council. Convene a small band of revolutionaries to advise you, many of them entrepreneurs. Listen to them. Share your concerns openly.
7.And last but not least, revolutions need leadership. Public leaders and their co-instigators have a key role to play in sparking the revolution and keeping the torch lit.
The most important deliverable in these first six months is to engage, excite, and empower the entrepreneurship stakeholders, demonstrate commitment, and show your constituents that you mean business.
Harvard Business Review
How to Start an Entrepreneurial Revolution in Six Months
1. Revolutions start local. Start with quick wins that make sense in that specific location. You don't have years to wait for measurable results before scaling up, just know you are on the right track.
2. Revolutions need participants. The "shot heard round the world" will be a town-meeting-style, entrepreneurship stakeholder workshop to create excitement and commitment, and to learn.
3. Revolutions require resources. In parallel, connect the community's entrepreneurial support resources.
4. Revolutions need revolutionaries. They may be under the radar, languishing in non-entrepreneurial positions, or channeling their entrepreneurial spirit in non-productive ways, but they are present. Find and enlist them. Use your positions of power to help them find new customers, investors, advisors, and business partners.
5. Revolutions need a call to action. Ask people with the hunger to create to come forward with their ideas and then "flood the zone".
6. Revolutions need an inner council. Convene a small band of revolutionaries to advise you, many of them entrepreneurs. Listen to them. Share your concerns openly.
7.And last but not least, revolutions need leadership. Public leaders and their co-instigators have a key role to play in sparking the revolution and keeping the torch lit.
The most important deliverable in these first six months is to engage, excite, and empower the entrepreneurship stakeholders, demonstrate commitment, and show your constituents that you mean business.
Harvard Business Review
Richard St. John's 8 secrets of success | Video on TED.com
Consejo Empresarial Voluntario
Consejo Empresarial Voluntario,
Richard St. John,
Secretos del éxito,
Secrets of success,
domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010
¿Porqué las personas son exitosas?¿ Es debido a que son inteligentes?¿O simplemente tienen suerte?. El analista Richard St. John, condensa años de entrevistas en una presentación de 3 minutos sobre los verdaderos secretos del éxito.
Invitación para Emprendedores
Consejo Empresarial Voluntario
Consejo Empresarial Voluntario,
Convocatoria 2010,
Nuevo León
lunes, 9 de agosto de 2010
A ti Emprendedor con ganas de progresar, dispuesto a trabajar en equipo y recibir consultoría por parte de uno de nuestros Empresarios Consejeros; te invitamos a esta Primera Convocatoria 2010 por parte del Consejo Empresarial Voluntario Nuevo León, donde tú puedes ser parte de este proyecto de crecimiento y bienestar que buscamos en el país.
Como primer paso, es completar la Encuesta del Emprendedor que esta anexo al correo; te agradeceremos que nos envíes el formato a la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico cevnl.mx@gmail.com
Para más información descarga los siguientes documentos.
¿Quiénes Somos?
Consejo Empresarial Voluntario
Consejo Empresarial Voluntario,
Nuevo León
lunes, 2 de agosto de 2010
El Consejo Empresarial Voluntario Nuevo León, formado por Ejecutivos e Industriales experimentados y voluntarios, se dedica a guiar y aconsejar Emprendedores en mejores prácticas de negocio, con un énfasis especial en temas de financiamiento y capitalización, con el fin de impulsar la competitividad y fomentar la generación de empleos.
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