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A ti Emprendedor con ganas de progresar, dispuesto a trabajar en equipo y recibir consultoría por parte de uno de nuestros Empresarios Consejeros; te invitamos a esta Convocatoria 2011 por parte del Consejo Empresarial Voluntario, Nuevo León; donde tú puedes ser parte de este proyecto de crecimiento y bienestar que buscamos en el país.

Como primer paso, es completar la Encuesta del Emprendedor, te agradeceremos que nos envíes el formato a la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico arodriguez@cevnl.org

Para más información descarga los siguientes documentos.

Presentación del CEV Nuevo León
Encuesta del emprendedor (Anexo 2-E)

Promovemos Empleo Voluntariamente Apoyando a Emprendedores Extraordinarios

When you have a great idea, don't assume that others will share your enthusiasm for it. Whether a recommendation or proposal is approved is often less about the value of the idea itself than how it is presented. Here are three things you can do to give your next proposal a fighting chance:
1. Build allies. Meet with stakeholders before you need their formal approval to generate interest and pre-sell them on the idea.
2. Keep it simple. Don't weigh your proposal down with tons of data and analysis. Too many details can distract an audience. Be straightforward and concise.
3. Highlight the benefits. Your audience will want to know what's in it for them. Be sure to position the idea in terms of the benefits they stand to gain.
There are times of the year — or the week, or the day — when you simply have too much to do. You may buckle down and focus, or like many people, you may get overwhelmed and freeze up. Next time you are stressed out by how much you need to accomplish, take these four steps:
1.Make a list. Write down everything you need to do on a piece of paper.
2.Do the quick hits. Take 15 minutes, no more, to do the fastest things on your list: a quick email response, the 2-minute phone call. Use a timer to keep you focused.
3.Turn off distractions. Now spend 35 minutes focused on the tougher things on the list with your phone and email alerts switched off.
4.Take a break and repeat. Take a 10-minute break and start again. Before long, you'll have crossed enough off your list to restore your calm.

Harvard Business Review